Julie's News 15th March
Hi swimmers
How was your first week back at school ??
Your parents thought it was great you could hear the cheers hahaha
So...we need to carry on with the flexibility and warm up work , also you have the training calendar have a look and have a go ....4 weeks we might be back in the water 🏊♂️🏊♀️🏊♂️🏊♀️
10 arm swings in each direction
1. front
2. Back
3. Monkey
4. Double front
5. Double back
10 leg swings
1. Front-back
2. Side-to-side
Warm up
30 Jumping-jacks
10 dead-bugs
30sec hip bridge hold
30sec front plank
60sec skipping ( no rope)
I am working on training times at the moment for our return...remember these are lanes for our return not squads. When you get them, if you can not see your name, email myself with your name and lane you where in before lockdown at Christmas, I will have missed someone, but not on purpose hahaha
The riddle answers from last week....
1) What belongs to you but is used more by other people?
Answer...Your name
2) Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat. Everyone ate one burger, yet only three burgers were eaten in all. How ?
Answer.... They were a grandmother, mother and daughter.
Winner this week: Mya and Macey Brough
Right can you solve these riddles ?
Riddle what a I ?......
1. What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
2. What is taken before you can see it?
Don’t forget email me the answers apexstafford395@gmail.com
COACHES quotes....
1. If at first you done succeed.... Try doing what your COACH told you to do the first time.
2. SWIMMING is the only sport in which the coach tells at you for BREATHING
3. Coaches job title....
Swimming coach only because full time multi tasking NINJA is not an actual JOB TITLE
4. A Coach sees I you what you can't see in yourself
5. A Coach is someone who, gets you to do...What you don’t want to do, so that you can be...... Who you want to be!!!
6. Your coach is always right 😃😃
Remember stay safe and keep in touch
The coaching team