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Head Coach - Julie Shenton

Julie is a UKCC Level 3 Performance Coach. She is responsible for the yearly training programmes and breakdowns for Apex. She is also responsible for running A.S.A courses within the Leisure Centre.

Julie is in addition a Coach on the Swim England Swimming National Pathway Program and is on the Swim England Coach/Mentor Advisor Programme. Julie has coached many swimmers to National level, 4 of whom have gone on to represent team GB.

She organises and runs events in conjunction with the A.S.A (County Championships, Three County Meets, Masters Events, Midland District Short Course Meets and Open meets for local swimming clubs).​

In addition to being Head Coach, she is the swimming co-ordinator for Stafford Leisure Centre and is fully responsible for their aquatics programme. The Head Coach by default is a member of the Club Committee and the Freedom Leisure representative. 

Julie is a former competitive swimmer, and her background enables her to get the very best out of her swimmers,  and coaching team.





If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child's coaching please contact your child's Squad Coach at the Leisure Centre.
If you feel you need to take the matter further please contact Julie Shenton at the Leisure Centre.

As a last resort please email the committee using



Squad Coaches -  Dan Austin

Our junior squads are coached by Dana level 2 highly qualified and experienced coach.


As Stafford Apex operates 88 coaching sessions each week and also sends coaches to Open Meets and League events Julie and Dan are joined by a team of fully-qualified assistant coaches. Most of these coaches have been Stafford Apex swimmers and fully understand the expectations and pressures experienced by swimmers in training and at competitions.


Stafford Apex coaching sessions are a Stafford Leisure Centre centre-based activity. Therefore, Freedom Leisure provides the coaches, lane space and training times. For this reason training fees are payable to the Leisure Centre, not to the Club. The club itself employs members of the same team to coach the swimmers at Open Meets, Championships and League Events.



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